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Trendy Butler Review | Your Online Personal Stylist

I am not much of a shopper but I do like to look good. I find I spend an agonizing amount of time finding the perfect pair of pants or shirt. So when I was asked to review Trendy Butler I was excited and hesitant at the same time. Excited to skip the hours shopping, hesitant because I am so picky. Luckily it turns out I didn’t need to be so worried.

Trendy Butler Review: How It Works

Trendy Butler is a subscription service that sends customers a full outfit each month. They base the style and size of the outfit on a slew of information you enter when you first sign up. I recommend taking your time to really fill out the questionaire carefully as Trendy Butler does a great job hitting your style.

Customers can try on the clothes and exchange any that you don’t like. I have only gotten one month so far, but they really nailed my style. I won’t be returning any of the clothing I received. The other great perk is that Trendy Butler shops in bulk and can pass that savings onto you. The items I received would have cost me around $215 in the store. Not bad when you consider the cost to the customer is only $65.

My Trendy Butler Items

Check out the items I received below.

Eleven Paris Chaplinco M Pants

The Style

These pants were dead on for the style I was looking for. They were comfortable around the waist with a good amount of narrowing around the ankles. I loved the color, though I wasn’t to sure about the shoe lace belt that came with it. I will be keeping these.

The Fit

These pants fit like a dream. They have just enough space around the waist for comfort, but I don’t need a belt to keep them up. If they do shrink in the wash I will still be able to fit into them.

Thomas Payne UK Collection Sweater

The Style

I love this sweater even more than the pants if that is possible. The 4 button neck allows me to adjust the casualness for different events. It is a lighter sweater that is great for the cool evenings in Los Angeles.

The Fit

Again I was very pleased with the fit. I have long arms which means any shirt that fits my arms ends up being loose around the torso. Trendy Butler knew my waist size and height so they found a sweater that fit my body perfectly.

Sweat Tailer Sage Green Supima Blend Crew

The Style

The shirt was probably my least favorite of the items. I live in Southern California so a long sleeve shirt gets a bit hot. That being said the material is pretty thin so I think I can get away with it. I was also not the biggest fan of how it hung on my body.

The Fit

The shirt was a little large for my style. I tend to prefer more form fitting clothing like the Thomas Payne sweater and Eleven Paris pants.

Trendy Butler Review Summary

Overall Rating 9.4

For $65 I received a pair of pants and a sweater I really liked, and a shirt that was pretty good. The clothing was all tailored to my style and I didn’t even have to waste hours at the store. The sweater is already a favorite

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