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Weed Delivery in NYC
New York is on the road to legalization, but it isn’t quite there yet. Until that time, illegal weed delivery is still a big deal. Customers, wealthy and poor, need a way to get high. For now, the pot is delivered by people trying their best to avoid the law.
We all know the stigma of the drug dealer on the streets of New York. A tough guy strung out from using too much of his product. In reality, the average drug dealer is a typical, run of the mill, New Yorker. But what does this have to do with Supermodels and weed delivery?
The Green Angels
I’d like to introduce you to the Green Angels. GQ recently did an article about the 30 or so super models who deliver marijuana in NY. They stroll right past cops by flashing their long eyelashes. They brazenly carry the cannabis on trains and in taxis, confident their looks will keep them from trouble.
The ring leader is a ex-mormon model who goes by the fake name Honey. She started off small, selling bags of weed in her apartment. Eight years later she is making around $6,000 a day. It was a gradual path that included a lot of bumpy roads and close calls. Her team of sexy delivery models grew and so did the business.
Honeys dream is to go legal and it seems like one that might come true sooner than later. With New York legalizing marijuana, she stands to be in the right place at the right time. She already has a killer business model that is used by Rihanna and Justin Bieber.
After watching the fierce competition for weed delivery in California, Honeys problems might only be starting. Services like GreenRush and Eaze are battling tooth and nail to conquer the West Coast. Honey will find herself going against business types eager for a slice of the NYC cannabis market.
Until that time, Honey and her models are running wild on the streets of NYC. If you are looking for fun way to score some cannabis, why not hit up Honey’s service. I certainly would pay a little extra to open my door to a Green Angel.
Check out the full article by Suketu Mehta over at GQ.
Comments 3
How do you get in touch with this service????
I would reach out to the author at GQ if you really want to find out. Though legal weed delivery in NYC is only a few months away so I am sure they will have a public profile at that point.
Hi is there a website for green angels contact info? Thanks!