GreenRush vs Kushfly Comparison

Find out who delivers in our GreenRush vs Kushfly weed delivery comparison

This week we are comparing these two marijuana delivery services. It just so happens that GreenRush and Kushfly happen to be two of our favorite delivery services. Find out the difference between them in our GreenRush vs Kushfly comparison.

GreenRush vs Kushfly comparison

What is Weed Delivery?

It’s amazing to us how many people have never heard of weed delivery. Everyone knows about dispensaries and how to get a medical card. Yet, no one knows that you can legally have your marijuana delivered to your house.


Odds are there is a weed delivery service near you right now. Enter your zip code in the tool above and find out if you are eligible for cannabis delivery. Once you know for sure, then keep reading our GreenRush vs Kushfly comparison.

What factors we look at when comparing the two delivery services.

It’s important to break down the different elements that of an excellent delivery service. Customers want to have a good experience at a fair price. Below are the different aspects that we focus on for each comparison.

  1. Delivery Locations

  2. Price

  3. Ease Of Use

  4. Marijuana Variety

  5. Discount Amount

Delivery Locations

This one has to go to GreenRush. The GreenRush delivery service is the largest in the industry. They are currently serving over 800 zip codes in the California area. They are also looking into the new states to expand their services.

Kushfly is a more local delivery service focusing on Los Angeles. They have begun to spread slowly into neighboring cities. They concentrate on the quality of location before quantity.

Lets see how Kushfly and GreenRush compare.


Again, the winner when it comes to price is GreenRush. The delivery service has a huge number of dispensaries that deliver marijuana. The number of dispensaries allows Greenrush to have competitive prices for its customers. Smokers are looking at around $40 for an 1/8th.

Kushfly is only a little bit more, coming in at an average $50 for an 1/8. The price tag is a little bit more, but Kushfly customers vouch for the service. In fact, we have never seen such good reviews for a dispensary. Kushfly might be a bit more, but they are definitely doing something right.


While GreenRush has overall more variations, we were frankly blown away by the amount Kushfly brought to the table. Just scrolling down the list of flowers can take a few minutes on the Kushfly website. It’s well worth seeing all the variations GreenRush and Kushfly provide.

Discount Amount

This is an exciting comparison for us because both Kushfly and Greenrush discounts are so different. Kushfly offers its users a 10% discount while GreenRush offers $80 off ($20 for the first four orders). If you plan on spending over $200, it is cheaper to use Kushfly.

  • Kushfly Promo Codes: CG420

    If you are shopping with Kushfly, make sure to use Kushfly coupon code CG420 to get 10% off your order.

  • GreenRush Promo Codes: HAPPY80

    If you are shopping with GreenRush use Greenrush coupon code HAPPY80 to get $80 off.

GreenRush vs Kushfly comparison Summary

GreenRush and Kushfly are both terrific weed delivery services. GreenRush is everywhere and provides high-value marijuana. Kushfly is smaller but offers fantastic pot and customer service. Our recommendation is to give both services and try and see which you prefer. Make sure to use our discount codes and save on your first order.

Cannabis Reviews

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