Use our Nugg Promo Codes to save yourself at least $20

Nugg Promo Codes equal free marijuana. It is crazy that so many customers try Nugg without making sure to use a discount. If you have made it to this page, that means you are one of the smart few. We provide the best Nugg Promo Codes and explain how to use them. We also go over how existing Nugg users can still earn free weed.

Our Top Nugg Coupon Code is:  TOPDOWN

Nugg Promo Codes and Discounts

We love Weed delivery. We love weed delivery so much that almost half of the reviews on our site focus on the subject. We have tried out all the services, and there are a bunch. One of our favorite services in LA would have to be Nugg. An LA native, the Nugg weed delivery service is one of the highest rated delivery services on Yelp.

Nugg has provided Topdown with a $20 promo code TOPDOWN. This code is the best discount available for 2017. We check weekly and will update this post the moment the amount changes.

A list of our best Nugg Coupon Codes
Now that you have a Nugg promo code, the next step is to add it to your account. Let’s go through the easiest way to use our promotions.

Applying the Nugg Promo Codes

Claiming the Nugg new user promotion couldn’t be easier, though there are some steps that customers need to go through first.

1. Head to GetNugg

The biggest mistake we always make first is to head to, but there is nothing there. Instead, make sure to to order your weed.

2. Check to see if Nugg Delivers to your area

The first thing you will see is a locator bar asking for your address. Nugg delivers to hundreds of cities, and they need to make sure you are in one of them. If Nugg doesn’t deliver to your location, use our weed delivery tool below to find a service in your zip.


3. Assuming Nugg does deliver you should see a list of dispensaries

Go ahead and browse around, finding the flower or edibles you want to buy. We have tons of dispensaries available for our location, so there is a lot to choose from. Once you add the cannabis to your cart, you will need to add your discount.

4. Enter the Nugg Promo Code on the Left side of the screen

Make sure to enter the code TOPDOWN. You should see a $20 credit added to the checkout cart. That is all it takes to get the $20 discount from Nugg.

Enter the Nugg Promo Code Here

5. Create an account

If you don’t have a medical rec, this would be the time to do it. Nugg makes it very easy to get a rec online in only a few minutes. It costs $39, and you can order your cannabis through Nugg directly afterward. Enter your email and mobile number to finish creating your account. You can also add your Medical Rec number here.

6. Buy your Cannabis

Head to checkout and purchase your weed. Nugg will connect with the dispensary and have it delivered to your house. They are fast, usually delivering the cannabis in under an hour.

It is important to note that Nugg coupons don’t stack with each other. Once you have applied the discount, there is no way to change the discount.

Use Nugg Promo Code TOPDOWN for $20 free credit at!

Tips for using Nugg Referral Code

It sounds crazy to have tips for a promo code, but it can help. Here is our small list of tips.

    You have to enter the Nugg Promo Code before buying your cannabis.
    Only new users are eligible for the $20 promotion
    You can actually earn free weed by inviting your friends. (Find out more further down the page)

New Nugg Discount Codes

We will be updating this page every few weeks. This way we can ensure that our readers are getting the very best Nugg deals available. If you have any codes, feel free to reach out an send them to us.

The current Nugg discounts are only available for new users and are worth $20. Check the table below to see a listing of the best codes available. We recommend using the code TOPDOWN as it gives us free weed.

Want to learn how you can earn tons of free Cannabis? Your in luck because we explain everything in the next section of our post. If you are happy just using the first time user discount, any of the codes below should help.

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Nugg Coupons for existing users

Existing users discounts is the most asked question we get when it comes to Nugg. It’s easy to find new user discounts, but what about the existing customers. People want to know how they can keep getting great deals on their weed delivery. Well, you are in luck, we have answers for you.

We have broken down the different ways to for existing users to get free weed into three sections.

1. Nugg Referral Program
2. Smoking with Friends
3. Attending Nugg Events


Before we go into detail, we want to advise our readers to do everything legally. These programs are in place to help new customers and existing customers. If you try to cheat the system, Nugg will find out. Everything we suggest here is legal and encouraged by Nugg. Reach out to us if you have any questions on your promoting ideas or techniques.

1. Nugg Referral program

As we said before, we want readers to use our Nugg Promo Codes. The most current of those codes being TOPDOWN. That is because whenever a new customer uses our code, we get $20 of free weed! That’s right, each person you refer, gets you $20 of Nugg credit. Nugg is giving away $40 of cannabis every time you sign up a friend and have them order.

We have gotten hundreds of dollars of free marijuana from Nugg. We promote them as much as possible so we can keep smoking for free. Want to know how we have gotten so much free cannabis? We created a helpful guide for budding Nugg promotors below.

Guide to earning free Nugg credit with the referral program

-Print out Nugg business cards
We can’t tell you how important this is. We always have our Nugg cards on us during the day. We leave them in coffee shops (with permission) and give them out to anyone we talk with. There are millions of people in LA alone, and most of them don’t know you can have weed delivered.

-Head to Cannabis Events
You will find thousands of potential buyers at the Cannabis Bowl alone. We ran out of our Nugg business cards because we were handing out so many. If even 20 people used the cards, we earn $400 of free weed.

-Tell Friends and Family
Don’t assume the people around you know how you are getting your weed. The number of people who know about marijuana delivery is staggeringly small.

-Share on your blog or Instagram
Nugg gives its users a code that they can share. If you have a ton of followers, why not share it on Instagram or your blog.

2. Smoking with friends

Smoking with friends is our second favorite way to get free weed. We have a group of friends who like to smoke together. Each time we take turns being the new user to order the Cannabis from Nugg. There are 6 of us so that is already $120 of free weed. If you count the fact that we earn an additional $20 for referring each other, it means that we gained another $120. That means just by smoking together we have saved $240. That is a lot of free weed.

The other benefit of this method is you find new smokers to hang out with. We love when friends ask us to come over and hang out. They almost always have never heard of Nugg and want to try it out.

3. Attend Nugg Events

Sign up for the Nugg newsletter and find out where they are going for events. The only way you can ever get a real existing user promo code is from Nugg themselves. They will often have custom discounts unique to the event. If any of the codes are going to stack, it will be a code from Nugg themselves.

Use our Nugg discount Codes to save $20

Why does Nugg offer a referral program

We get this question a lot. It does seem crazy that Nugg gives away $40 for each new user that signs up. Trust us; they have their reasons. When you look at it from their point of view, it makes quite a lot of sense.

Nugg is really good at delivering weed. Just look at their Yelp page and see how much their customers love them. They have one of the highest repeat customers in the industry. The hard part is finding new users to try out the service. Like we said before, almost no one knows that weed delivery exists.

By offering a discount that gets new and existing users free Nugg credit, they are ensuring word of mouth promotion. Word of mouth has time and again proved to be the best means of marketing. Having a friend sell you on a product is way better than some ad online.

The $20 discount is the initial lure that gets the new customer to try out Nugg. Once they have tried the service, the chances are they will keep using it even without the discount.

The $20 referral credit is the incentive to tell your friends. Customers know and love the service, often telling their friends about it anyways. What better way to ensure they will spread the word than offering them free weed. This way existing users can earn an unlimited amount of pot. The more people you promote, the more credit Nugg will send your way.

Nugg invite image to share with your friends

Nugg Ambassador program

You don’t have to earn weed with the referral program. Customers who have earned too much free weed might want to check out the Nugg Ambassador program. It works in a very similar way as the referral program with one major exception. Nugg sends its ambassadors cash instead of credit. That means for every customer you refer to Nugg, you earn actual money.

Don’t get too excited. If you choose to make money instead of credit, Nugg cuts the amount you get in half. That means for every customer who uses your Nugg Promo Codes, Nugg will only give you $10. If you plan on spending that money on weed, it is a much better deal to get credit.

At the end of each payment cycle, Nugg will ask how you would like your payout. Make sure to decide then and enjoy your free weed or money.

Services Similar to Nugg

Eaze is the number 1 Nugg competitor

Eaze Weed Delivery

While we do love Nugg, we do feel obliged to point out at least one competitor. Eaze is currently one of the fastest growing weed delivery services in the industry. They not only have great prices, but they also have excellent service.

They are very similar to Nugg regarding service. Customers sign up with Eaze and have weed delivered to their home. Another big bonus of Eaze is their promo code. Eaze is offering new users $60 off free credit. Eaze also has referral programs that let existing customers earn more free weed. Head to our Eaze Promo Codes page and find out how you can save hundreds.

Summary of our Nugg Promo Codes for new and existing users

Nugg wants you to use their discounts. Even more so, they want you to tell your friends about their discounts. That is why they created the Nugg referral program. Don’t order from Nugg until you have entered the Promo Code TOPDOWN to save $20. Once you have an account, make sure to spread the word with your own code. If you follow our guide, you can earn as much free Nugg credit as you want.

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