Ritual App Promo Code

If you’re looking for a discount on the Ritual App, they are offering 1000 free points (that’s $10!) for new customers. Enter promo code LUCY7007 at checkout, or click the link below:

Button above takes you to the Ritual App signup page. Or you can enter the code LUCY7007 in your Promo Code section of the app.

About the Ritual App

The Ritual App allows you to order food and drink in advance from all your favorite restaurants, so that its waiting for you when you arrive. Each time you order through Ritual, you’ll earn extra points that can be redeemed towards future restaurant purchases!

The Ritual App is available in a ton of different countries, including the United States, the UK and Australia. Check their site for a full list of countries and cities.

How to get 1000 free points ($10 free)

As mentioned above, you can get an awesome discount as a new user.

Simply sign up using the link below, or in your Promo Code section of your app, enter the Ritual Promo Code LUCY7007.

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