Price: $25
Monthly subscription service for Gentlemen
Discount: $5 (Click for Discount)
1. Armoir Fashion Leather Bracelet priced at $28
The theme of this box is 100% leather, and the Armoir bracelet doesn’t let us down. The Bracelet feels well made and is easily adjustable to fit a wide range of wrist sizes. The two metal studs look nice, but sometimes get in the way when I am resting my hand on the table.
2. Defined Men Leather Cufflinks priced at $29
I look forward to trying this look with my tux, but I am not sure I’ll be able to pull it off. The Cuff links are beautiful and well made but I don’t think they will go with the traditional black and white tux. I am going to have to find a new outfit to pair with my new leather cufflinks.
3. Unsimply Stitched Socks priced at $12
These socks might be my favorite item this month after the Armoir leather bracelet. The socks are very comfortable but not too thick. The best part is they bring some character to my wardrobe in a really fun way.
4. Gentlemen Essentials Accessory Tray priced at $35
Nice leather tray designed to hold keys and whatnot. Has a leather outside and I dig the pattern used on the inside. I am not one for trays so I will probably gift this to one of my friends.
5. Kiko Cord Holder priced at $5
A small leather strap that is designed to keep your cords from getting tangled. When I first opened the box I actually thought this has fallen off of something else in the box. I guess its a cool idea, but doesn’t seem all that useful to me.